Sunday, December 28, 2008

Meaning of Life

Here's an excerpt from one of the chapters from my book Why? which is now available online at and

Many people believe that life has no meaning, no purpose whatsoever. We live our lives and we die. And, nothing happens. We just cease to exist. Interesting concept. However, it’s basically a defeatist attitude. These people get tired of trying to figure out the purpose of why we are
here. Our brains are not equipped to capture the answers to every question. So, they figure if we can’t think of an answer, the answer must not exist. They don’t try to use out-of-the-box thinking to get the answers-not from the brain but from the soul.

Life is everywhere. There are a lot more animals than human beings. No one knows for sure, but according to some sources, there are more than two million animal species with many more still being discovered. This means that there are trillions of animals living on Earth. If we add other living organisms like plants, trees, and various forms of bacteria, then the number could increase to many more trillions, all living and thriving.

Over 6.6 billion people currently living. Over 100 billion people come and gone. Many more trillions of birds, animals, and other creatures. Without purpose? Think about it.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

The World Events - Mumbai, India, Thailand

Life has so many twists. My family and I were getting ready to take our trip to India - after 12 years - in a few days and looking forward to it. For some reason things were just not feeling right. And, then the terror strikes in Mumbai, India with close to 200 deaths. We have spent a lot of time watching the events throughout the weekend. You can't help but wonder why are these people doing these terrible things.  Most of the terrorists were young people in their early 20s. Why would they waste their lives like this? Why would they want to kill so many innocent people? There must have been some connection to their Karma in their previous lives that brought them to this point. It's a terrible and tragic event. And, you have to ask - why? 

Thailand is going through some turmoil as well. Why are we going through these strange times with terrorist attacks, economic crisis, unemployment, etc.? Why now? How is the World supposed to evolve from this? These are just a few questions I'll be exploring in the coming days and I invite you all to provide your thoughts as well. 

Sunday, September 14, 2008


I am sure like everyone else you have asked yourself the question “why?” for many incidents in your life. All of us are looking for answers to the meaning of life, and answers to many other questions - why do bad things happen to innocent people, kids, and animals? I wanted to start a dialogue here to get your point of view. My book called Why? will be published in a few months and addresses a number of these issues. But, I am very interested in finding out the various perspectives out there. Please post your reply here. There are no right or wrong answers. You have to wonder about these things especially when bad things happen to innoncent children and animals. I look forward to having stimulating conversations with you all.